Add fallback generator for UnsafeProjection. Support Hive 2.2 and Hive 2.3 metastore. Do not trigger any job for caching data. Support mixture of Python UDF and Scalar Pandas UDF. Use Arrow stream format for creating from and collecting Pandas DataFrames. Add Structured Streaming ForeachWriter for Python. User-defined window functions with Pandas UDF. User-defined aggregation functions with Pandas UDF. Implement eager evaluation for DataFrame APIs. Support client mode for Kubernetes cluster backend. Support Date/Timestamp in JDBC partition column. Option query for specifying the query to read from JDBC. CSV schema validation - column names are not checked. Parsing only required columns to the CSV parser. Turn on ORC filter push-down by default. Use native ORC reader to read Hive serde tables by default. Parquet predicate pushdown improvement. Limited the size of BlockManager master and slave thread pools, lowering memory overhead when networking is slow. Shuffle+Repartition on an RDD could lead to incorrect answers. Support sending messages over 2GB from memory. Support replicating blocks larger than 2 GB. Nested schema pruning for Parquet tables. Cache the function name from the external catalog for lookupFunctions. Reference resolution for large number of columns should be faster. Implement EXCEPT ALL and INTERSECT ALL. Support column resolution of fully qualified column name. Coalesce and Repartition Hint for SQL Queries. Built-in Avro data source: Inline Spark-Avro package with logical type support, better performance and usability. Higher-order functions: Add a lot of new built-in functions, including higher-order functions, to deal with complex data types easier. Now you can build Spark with Scala 2.12 and write Spark applications in Scala 2.12. Scala 2.12 Support: Add experimental Scala 2.12 support. Barrier Execution Mode: Support Barrier Execution Mode in the scheduler, to better integrate with deep learning frameworks.
We have curated a list of high level changes here, grouped by major modules. You can consult JIRA for the detailed changes.
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In addition, this release continues to focus on usability, stability, and polish while resolving around 1100 tickets. Other major updates include the built-in Avro data source, Image data source, flexible streaming sinks, elimination of the 2GB block size limitation during transfer, Pandas UDF improvements. This release adds Barrier Execution Mode for better integration with deep learning frameworks, introduces 30+ built-in and higher-order functions to deal with complex data type easier, improves the K8s integration, along with experimental Scala 2.12 support. Apache Spark 2.4.0 is the fifth release in the 2.x line.